
Friday, March 29, 2013


The alternative to a vacation is to stay home and tip every 

third person you see.  ~Author Unknown 

A new Legal Sensei Post will be arriving in April. The Legal Sensei is tired, and will be taking a vacation on a cruise ship. Not so sure about it, but willing to give it a try. The idea of margarita(s) and lounge chairs somehow sounds really good to me right now. I am hoping that nothing happens like the post I wrote concerning the poo poo sloshing cruise from hell. I guess that would be bad Carnival karma for me.

With all of the events that have happened, for example, baby shootings, improper social media postings of insanely drunk young teenagers getting molested, etc. (be careful how much you drink and share on twitter), there will be a lot of topics waiting to be discussed.

We also have significant legal cases regarding gay marriage, federal benefits, sequestration, medicare cuts, insurance reform, threats from North Korea, the invasion of drones for non-military "observations" in our cities, potential radical changes in alimony laws, rejected plea deals for mass murderers--and the beat goes on and on. Again, as I always do, if there is a topic that you believe should be discussed, feel free to share it with me.

I hope that everybody has a healthy, safe, and happy holiday with their family.  Again, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and comments with me.

The Legal Sensei will be back in April.

~Leonardo G. Renaud

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