
Friday, April 19, 2013


Every murder turns on a bright hot light, and
a lot of people have to walk out of the shadows.

~Mark Hellinger

This post is to remind everyone about how important law enforcement is to the public. Those who serve to administer justice are always in danger. Highway Patrol Troopers are often killed simply for writing a ticket or run over by hit and run drivers. Police officers get shot with AK 47’s pursuing suspects or simply trying to serve warrants.  As we have all seen numerous times on television, persons create wildly dangerous car chases, endangering law enforcement and the public, due to such things as violations of probation, escape from criminal acts, or drunk driving.

 Desperate people, some of whom are drug addicts, persons carrying a deadly grudge, or criminals on the run, often take desperate and violent actions without any regard of the consequences. Individuals who prosecute alleged violators of our laws always have the threat of harm hanging over their heads.

 This danger is not limited to the largest cities of this country, but also includes smaller communities. People do not expect cold blooded murders of law enforcement officials in less populated areas. Yet, three of the brutal Texas murders discussed in this post occurred in Kaufman County—which is comprised of approximately 103,000 people. Kaufman County is generally split between small rural towns and Dallas commuter suburbs.

 On January 31, 2013 an Assistant District Attorney was shot five times in a parking lot as he made his way into the courthouse in Kaufman County, Texas. Shortly thereafter, the District Attorney of Kaufman County announced during a media interview that he was going to find the culprits and administer stern justice. He vowed to capture those who had killed his assistant.  He stated as follows: “We’re very confident that we’re going to find you, we’re going to pull you out of the hole you’re in, we’re going to bring you back and let the people of Kaufman County prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.”

Approximately two months later, both he and his wife were brutally gunned down in their home.  She was killed with a single gun shot wound. He was shot twenty times.  Quoting, Pete Williams and Jeff Black.

In Colorado, a killer knocked on the door of the head of Colorado’s Department of Corrections and shot him when he came to the door. The killer was later gunned down by law enforcement officers in a shoot out. He was a member of a white supremacist gang known as the 211 Crew.  The 211 Crew has been linked with the Aryan Brotherhood.

Is there a possible link? The Texas murders, it has been speculated, may have been carried out by members of the Texas Aryan Brotherhood. They have recently been singled out by Texas law enforcement for prosecution—especially for running methamphetamine labs.  If the murders were committed by members of the Texas Aryan Brotherhood, this is a very dangerous situation for those who have actively prosecuted or arrested members of this gang.  The concern of law enforcement has peaked to such a point that a Houston Federal Prosecutor, fearing for his safety and that of his family, removed himself from a large racketeering case against members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.  He has since been replaced by a prosecutor from Washington, D.C.  Quoting, Kevin Krause.

According to Mark Potock of the Southern Poverty Law Center, “if this really was an assassination by the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, we are about to see a war begin.” The Aryan Brotherhood is the most violent prison gang, according to Potock. “While only .1% of inmates are in the Aryan Brotherhood, 18% of all prison murders are committed by the white supremacist group.”

The District Attorney’s office of Kaufman County was one of the numerous Texas and federal agencies involved in a multiple-year investigation that led to the recent indictments of 34 alleged members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, including four of its senior leaders. Quoting, Ed Lavandera and Holly Yan.  At the time, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lanny A. Breuer called the indictment a “devastating blow” to the organization, which he said uses threats of violence, including murder, against “those who violate (its) rules or pose a threat to the enterprise.”

The Texas Aryan Brotherhood has the reputation for being one of the most brutal gangs as a result of murders that occur in and out of prison facilities. The group is able to violently address any threat. In the past 20 years, parts of Eastern Kaufman County have increasingly become home to methamphetamine labs.  Many of these labs are run by white supremacist groups. ChicagoTribune.Com, Tight Security after Texas D.A. Killing. As time has progressed, the Texas Aryan Brotherhood has transitioned from primarily being a “white power” organization into an ultra-violent major money making business. Their methods of income include the sale of illegal drugs and extortion. A great portion of the gang’s activity is controlled from higher level members who are incarcerated.

As of the date of this posting, and what makes this case even more captivating, there has been a major twist.  A former Justice of the Peace of Kaufman County has been arrested in Dallas for making terroristic threats via email to Kaufman public officials, as well as murder. His bond has been set at twenty-three million dollars. In addition to the Aryan Brotherhood, he was a person of very high interest during the investigation because he had been prosecuted by the Assistant District Attorney for theft, resulting in the loss of his job and law license.  As a result of the conviction for theft, he was put on two years probation.

The former Justice of the Peace described the conviction and loss of his law license as “a life long sentence.” “I will have to seek another career, with a felony I will not be able to earn what I am used to,” he said, adding that it would be his wife, who he said was on disability, and his aging parents who would suffer the most. Quoting, Michael Pearson and Ed Lavandera.

His wife has been arrested for one count of murder. Her bond has been set at three million dollars; however, there has been no information released by law enforcement sources regarding exactly what role she may have allegedly played in the murders. It appears that she may have been the get-away driver for her husband after he allegedly committed the murder of the Assistant District Attorney outside the courthouse.

It is also believed that she was a passenger in the car when her husband murdered the District Attorney and his wife. Her alleged involvement in these brutal and meticulously planned murders seems very inconsistent with her severe health problems. She is very ill. She suffers from advanced rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Quoting, Tanya Eiserer.

 It remains to be seen whether the Texas Aryan Brotherhood had any part (directly or indirectly) in these brutal slayings, or whether a disgraced ex-public official and his wife acted totally alone. Either way, the brutality of these slayings shows the consequences of those who are intent on committing murder to seek revenge.

~Leonardo G. Renaud

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